Showing posts with label HealthTips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HealthTips. Show all posts
Saturday, March 05, 2022

খাওয়ার রং - Food coloring

ফুড কালার বা খাওয়ার রং 

খাবারের রং উজ্জ্বল করে উন্নত করার জন্য খাবার রং দেওয়া যায় 
লেমন স্কোয়াস, পাইন এপালে স্কোয়াস, গ্রিন ম্যাংগো স্কোয়াসে সামান্য রং দিলেই স্কোয়াসের ফ্যাকাসে ভাব দূর করা হয়. কেক, পেস্ট্রি, ডেকোরেশনে বা সাজাবার কাজে খাওয়ার রঙের ব্যবহার প্রচলিত।  খাবারের রং হালকা হওয়াই বাঞ্চনীয়।  আজকাল বাজারে নানা ধরণের চড়া রঙের ব্যবহার দেখা যায়।  বেশি ফুড কালারের ব্যবহার সাস্থের জন্য ক্ষতিকর। খাওয়ার রঙের মধ্যে লেমন  কালার, আপেল, গ্রিন, স্ট্রবেরি, এগ ইয়েলো কালার এর নাম করা যায়।  


Food coloring

Food coloring can be given to improve the color of food

Adding a little color to lemon squash, pine apple squash, green mango squash removes the pale feeling of squash. The use of food coloring in cakes, pastries, decorations or decorations is common. The color of the food should be light. There are many types of bright colors in the market today. Too much food coloring is bad for your health. Lemon color, apple, green, strawberry, egg yellow color can be named among the food colors.

Monday, August 24, 2020

5 ways to increase digestion

 5 ways to increase digestion

Increasing digestion is essential for a person's well-being, which can lead to various physical problems.

Jannat Ara Urmi, nutritionist and diet consultant at JB Diagnostic Complex (Khulna), told Jugantar that if digestion is not good, it affects the whole body. The process of absorption is completed by mixing another food with food, which if interrupted can increase the weight lipid profile, increase uric acid and increase the amount of glucose in the blood.

How to increase digestion?

Each person's digestion is different. It is often seen that one person becomes fat even after eating the same food and the other's health remains normal.

1. If a person is having problems eating any food, it should be noticed first. Eating fried foods, milk or burnt foods, sour foods can also be a problem. So the food that causes problems cannot be eaten. It is important to note that eating any type of food causes digestive problems.

2. Not all types of exercise increase digestion. Exercises that improve the activity of the middle part of the body, the digestive process will also increase. Nutritionists say that exercise that puts pressure on the middle part of the body facilitates the digestive process.

3. You need to know the process of eating food to increase digestion. Vegetables must be cooked with oil. Again you have to keep lemons with something meaty. Eating a small amount of lemon water after eating it works very well in digestion.

5. Waking up at night can cause digestive problems. This is because the amount of oxygen at night is low and most of the lungs are unused. Due to which it is not possible to breathe completely. At this time, due to all the senses working in the human body, a lack of oxygen is created in the body, which interferes with the process of digestion.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Weight gain? How to bring it under control


Homeless life from the beginning of the Corona epidemic. Eid-ul-Adha is a four-month house arrest, and many are gaining weight naturally. While this weight gain may not be as harmful in the early stages, it does have some lasting effects.

For those who are already struggling with obesity, PCOS, hypothyroidism, this overweight can be a further risk factor. At first I do not know why the weight actually increases?

Stress: When people are anxious, their body produces a stress hormone called cortisol which increases our appetite. Excessive thinking increases people's appetite. In times of stress, people prefer to eat relatively comfort food.

These foods are high in fat and high in calories. So many times our excess food intake can cause weight gain.

Lack of sleep: Many of us have lost sleep from home and many of us sleep untimely. Weight gain is related to sleep. For example, if you work late at night, you have to eat a separate snack at night, which adds extra calories. In addition, if you sleep less, your hormonal imbalance will increase your appetite.

Decreased activity: Due to being at home, our daily workload is decreasing a bit and many people are sitting in the office. At this time something is being eaten one after the other. Especially ultra processed food. So we are not able to burn the amount of calories we are consuming throughout the day. The result is overweight.

Again, as a result of reduced body function, metabolism decreases a bit. As a result, digestion of food is disrupted and accumulates in the body. Some medications such as antidepressants, steroids can cause weight gain. Moreover, the smell of cooking new food from home. After a little tasting, it is seen that extra calories are taken.

Again, while sitting at home and working in the office, he wants to eat something while walking around the fridge, which is not the case in the office or outside the house. In that case also the possibility of weight gain increases.

Now let's see how to get rid of this problem?

1. Bring life into a routine. Make a balanced diet so that you get adequate amounts of all the nutrients but do not consume extra calories. The list includes grains such as oats, wheat, wholemeal bread and lean protein.

2. Stay away from worries. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. You can have fun, play sports or do whatever you like to stay worry free.

3. Try to sleep on time. Lack of sleep can also reduce the immune system.

4. Do a little exercise from home. You can jump rope, dance or do some housework but you will burn some calories. Try walking 30 minutes in the middle of the room.

5. Take good time to chew food. If you eat food for a long time, your stomach will be full with little food.

6. Exchange some food. For example, take fruits and salads instead of junk food, chips, pizza and drink fruit juices or just water instead of cold drinks.

7. Avoid eating extra sweet foods, as calories can be increased.

8. A healthy body helps relieve your stress. So choose nuts, fish that contain omega-3 which helps reduce depression.

9. You can eat sour fruit or vegetable soup whenever you want to reduce the curving of food.

10. After all, drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day and a glass of water shortly before lunch and dinner.

Written by: Faria Islam Rain, Nutritionist, International Fellow (Norrk-Norway)

Saturday, August 22, 2020

For that reason do not eat standing up


Many times we rush to eat due to work pressure and lack of time on hand. Sometimes I start eating while standing. Never do this.

Eating while standing increases stress and impairs digestion, which is not good for health. If you have this habit, change it today.

In this regard, DMEC Telemedicine Department Co-ordinator Associate Professor. Mohammad Zaid Hossain told that one should not eat standing up. Sit down and eat slowly. Digestion is impaired by eating food while standing and in a hurry.

He said that when he stood up and ate food, it went straight to his stomach. This leads to poor digestion of food and digestive problems. And even if there is no problem in the esophagus, stomach, there may be a problem of acidity.

He added that if food is not digested properly, its effects fall on the whole body. Because indigestion causes various problems. Indigestion causes gas, bloating, constipation, constipation, heartburn and fatigue.

What to do?

Never eat standing up. In addition, to increase digestion, fiber-rich and whole grain foods, green vegetables and fruits are good for the digestive system.

In addition, food should be chewed well and plenty of water should be consumed. Don't eat high fat foods.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Breastfeeding mother's food

Up to six months after the birth of the baby, there is no need for any food other than breast milk. Breast milk is the best, purest, safest and disease-resistant food for the baby, along with complementary foods from six months to two years of age. Breast milk contains almost all the nutrients needed for the baby, which are supplied from the mother's daily diet or from the nutrients stored in the body. So at this time the mother should eat a little more than usual. This is because the mother's body is deficient in nutrients such as lactose, calcium, zinc, iron, copper, folate, etc., but continues to be supplied to breast milk. But if the mother's body is deficient in iodine, vitamin A, selenium and B-vitamins, then breast milk is also deficient in them. Therefore, it is important to look at the following issues to prevent malnutrition in breastfeeding mothers and to maintain the quality of breast milk:

If the mother eats one to two glasses of water or liquid food (milk, soup, fruit juice, juicy fruits and water-rich vegetables) before breastfeeding each time, the milk is secreted more.

Breastfeeding mother's food

Up to six months after the birth of the baby, there is no need for any food other than breast milk. Breast milk is the best, purest, safest and disease-resistant food for the baby, along with complementary foods from six months to two years of age. Breast milk contains almost all the nutrients needed for the baby, which are supplied from the mother's daily diet or from the nutrients stored in the body. So at this time the mother should eat a little more than usual. This is because the mother's body is deficient in nutrients such as lactose, calcium, zinc, iron, copper, folate, etc., but continues to be supplied to breast milk. But if the mother's body is deficient in iodine, vitamin A, selenium and B-vitamins, then breast milk is also deficient in them. Therefore, it is important to look at the following issues to prevent malnutrition in breastfeeding mothers and to maintain the quality of breast milk:

👉 If the mother eats one to two glasses of water or liquid foods (milk, soup, fruit juice, juicy fruits and water-rich vegetables) before breastfeeding each time, the milk is secreted more.

👉 Eat milk or dairy foods, eggs, fish, meat, pulses or legumes every day to meet the needs of good quality protein, fatty acids, calcium and B-vitamins as well as other essential nutrients.

👉 For vitamin D, both mother and baby will be exposed to some sunlight every day.

👉 Eating dark green and colorful vegetables and seasonal fruits every day can provide a lot of micronutrients like calcium, iron, beta carotene, vitamin C, folate etc. in addition to a lot of fiber.

👉 Iodized salt should be taken to maintain the normal growth and mental development of the baby.

👉 It is better not to eat fried and spicy food in extra oil.

👉 Tea and coffee should be avoided or limited. Tobacco should be avoided.

👉 Do not take any supplements and medicines without the advice of a specialist.

👉 Hygiene and hygiene must be maintained to prevent foodborne illness. Milk, eggs, fish, meat should be cooked well.

Author: Nutritionist and Teacher National University, Gazipur 

Friday, August 14, 2020

Nutritional value of beef


Many people think that eating beef will cause a lot of damage to health. Because beef contains a lot of cholesterol, many people avoid it.

But nutritionists say that just as beef has its side effects, it also has many health benefits. And beef is as nutritious as any other food.

Now this meat will not be harmful or beneficial for you, it will depend on how much you follow the rules, how much you eat.

Nutritional value of beef:

According to nutritionists, beef contains essential proteins, vitamins, minerals or minerals for our body. Such as- Zinc, Selenium, Phosphorus, Iron. Vitamins include vitamins B2, B3, B6, and B12. And the effects of these nutrients are:

Increases immunity.

Plays a role in the formation of muscles, teeth and bones.

⭃ Maintains good skin / hair and nail health.

⭃ It plays a role in increasing the body and increasing intelligence.

⭃ Helps in wound healing.

⭃ Keeps eyesight good.

⭃ Eliminates excessive laziness / fatigue or numbness of the body.

⭃ Helps prevent diarrhea.

⭃ Prevents anemia.

⭃ Provides energy to the body from food.

⭃ Increases memory.

⭃ Eliminates fatigue / mental confusion / frustration.

⭃ How much protein for whom:

Protein is obtained from beef, bones, liver, brain, etc. The most protein is in the brain, then in the liver, then in the meat.

Nutritionist Chowdhury Tasnim Hasin says your daily protein requirement depends on your weight. I caught a person's ideal weight is 50 kg.

If he is healthy, he needs about 50 grams of protein per day, but if he has kidney complications, he will eat 25 grams of protein per day. That is half as much as usual.

Again, this amount will be doubled during menstruation or pregnancy in girls.

In other words, if the ideal weight is 50 kg, they can eat up to 100 grams of protein.

People who are underweight also need to eat more protein.

However, no one should eat more than 60 grams of protein per day and 500 grams per week, according to the UK Department of Health.

Each 100 grams of beef contains 26 grams of protein and 2 grams of fat. Does that mean you need 270 grams of meat to meet your daily protein needs?

Not at all. Because the daily protein requirement is not a food but we meet it with different foods and drinks.

Source: BBC


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